Fan Netting Fall Protection

Safety Nets Save Worker in 8 Storey Fall

You may well have seen netting established around the perimeter of multi story buildings at various times. The nets project beyond the face of the structure to offer protection for workers and pedestrians alike as the nets provide both a personal and debris fall arrest solution.

We recently developed and established such a system at the prestigious newly completed 15 storey office building at Custom Street on the waterfront in Wellington.

I am regularly asked about the performance and suitability of the net systems we provide, and quite often can refer to historic statistics and examples of particular incidents that have occurred in which the nets have been “put to work”.

There was such an incident that occurred in Seattle very recently that provides proof, and comfort, that correctly designed, engineered and installed fall protection netting systems do work, and save lives. ( see photo)

A worker on a project in Seattle city centre fell from the 20th storey of a building into fan netting that had been established at the 12th floor level. The height of the fall was in the order of 25m. The worker suffered serious injuries, and at the time of writing this blog is still in intensive care, which is a terrible situation for him to find himself in. However, if the net system had not been established, and no fall protection provided, the consequences are obvious.

It is very sad that the worker got badly injured, and no one likes to see accidents like this occurring, but the incident does show the benefit of establishing fan net fall protection systems on multi story construction projects .

With best regards until next time


19 2018